Changes to National Professional Qualification funding: what it means for you

This article explains the recent changes to funding for the Department for Education’s National Professional Qualifications (NPQs). Find out what it means for you and your school, trust or educational setting.
This funding information applies for people starting an NPQ in Autumn 2024 only. Scholarship funding is where the Department for Education pay the fees for the programme.
NPQs with scholarships for all eligible schools
The following National Professional Qualifications are fully-funded for eligible teachers and leaders working in publicly-funded schools and 16 to 19 settings:
˃ NPQ in Headship
˃ Early Headship Coaching Offer
˃ NPQ in Leading Primary Maths
˃ NPQ for SENCOs
There is no cost to you or your school to take one of these NPQs if your setting and role and/or experience is eligible for funding. See our programme pages for the role and/or experience criteria.
NPQs with targeted scholarships for schools serving the most disadvantaged pupils
If you are:
˃ In the top 50% of schools with the highest proportion of pupils who attract pupil premium funding;
˃ A 16 to 19 setting identified as having high disadvantage; or
˃ A highly disadvantaged early years setting*
The following NPQs are fully-funded for eligible teachers and leaders:
˃ NPQ in Early Years Leadership *for the NPQEYL only
˃ NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture
˃ NPQ in Leading Teacher Development
There is no cost to you or your school to take one of these NPQs if your setting and role and/or experience is eligible for funding.
If your school doesn’t meet the criteria as serving a more disadvantaged community then you will need to pay for your NPQ.
How do I check if my school is eligible?
The Department for Education will provide this information when applications open for NPQs starting in Autumn 2024. We expect the information to be available in the summer term.
What are the National Professional Qualifications?
The ten National Professional Qualifications are Department for Education accredited qualifications for teachers and school leaders. They are designed to develop knowledge and skills in schools by providing evidence-based professional development on what teachers and school leaders need to know to build their expertise.
What else do I need to know about the National Professional Qualifications?
˃ If someone has completed a NPQ (old or reformed) they can do another, so long as they have completed any previous NPQ before starting their next one.
˃ There’s a NPQ option for almost all teachers and leaders working in your school(s). All specialist NPQs are open to everyone from classroom teachers to heads of department, phase or subject to the senior leadership team. The leadership NPQs are available to current or aspiring leaders.
˃ As many teachers and leaders as you like from your school or trust can take a NPQ at the same time. There’s no limit to the number of staff any organisation can have doing an NPQ, and they can be the same NPQ or different ones. Learning together will increase the impact of professional development in your team.
Sign up for a National Professional Qualification
The next NPQs will start in Autumn 2024 and you can register your interest with us now.
For more detail on the funding announcement, visit the Department for Education website.