Choose your NPQ: Fully funded NPQs available for Autumn '24

We’re excited to let you know our next cohort of the new National Professional Qualifications will start this
this Autumn 2023.
Our NPQs are fully funded and with 8 course available, there are plenty of professional development options
for your teachers and school leaders.
- 4 new and reformed leadership qualifications
- 4 new specialist NPQ courses
In partnership with Ambition Institute, we're proud to be delivering these NPQs across Northamptonshire. Our NPQs are designed with flexibility in mind. Our hybrid delivery means your teachers and leaders can train
to their timetable with the courses designed to fit around existing commitments.
Most of the training can be completed at a time that suits your staff with minimal time spent away from your
DfE-funded scholarships are now available to schools across England, including all state schools and state
funded organisations that offer 16-19 places.